中国营销传播网 > 服务 > 21世纪中国营销精英高级研修班 > 课程安排及内容



第一天 (Day One):
·当今世界级的营销 World Class Marketing Today
当今全球成功营销案例 Today's Best Practices in Marketing
·促进增长和获利的营销 Marketing for Growth and Profit
如何策划适合本公司的营销战术 How to Choose the Right Marketing Approach
·以顾客为中心的营销 Customer Focused Marketing
把顾客调研作为策略的主心骨 Customer Research as the Backbone of Strategy
·实现真正的市场差异化 Achieving Real Differentiation
选择顾客目标与将公司定位在以顾客群为主导 Choosing Customer Targets and Positioning the Company for Customer Segment Dominance
第二天 (Day Two):
·建立品牌 Building Brands
建立品牌:进入WTO经济后的成功秘诀 Building Brands: the secret to Success in the Post-WTO Economy
挑战者的品牌:与强势品牌竞争 Challenger Branding: Competing with the Power-Brands
品牌组合管理 Managing Brand Portfolios
·以价值为基础的定价 Value-Based Pricing
解决价格战的良方:如何从你为顾客创造的价值中得到回报 Antidotes to the Price Wars: How to Get a Return on the Value you Create for Customers
互联网的定价:技术如何改变定价策略 Pricing on the Internet: How Technology Changes Pricing Strategy
第三天 (Day Three):
·分销策略 Distribution Strategy
运用顾客调研创造渠道中的价值 Using Customer Research to Create Value in the Channels
·营销传播策略 Communications Strategy
运用营销传播组合建立价格价值 Using the communications Mix to Build Brand Value
·销售队伍的管理 Managing the Sales Force
运用成功的策略实现销售队伍带来的赢利 Proven Strategies for Achieving Sales Force Buy-In
·新经济的挑战 Challenges of the New Economy
新经济是如何在改变营销实践,您如何从中受益 How it is Changing the Practice of Marketing, and How You Can Profit from it