第一天 (Day One):
- ·当今世界级的营销 World Class Marketing Today
- 当今全球成功营销案例 Today's Best Practices in Marketing
- ·促进增长和获利的营销 Marketing for Growth and Profit
- 如何策划适合本公司的营销战术 How to Choose the Right Marketing Approach
- ·以顾客为中心的营销 Customer Focused Marketing
- 把顾客调研作为策略的主心骨 Customer Research as the Backbone of Strategy
- ·实现真正的市场差异化 Achieving Real Differentiation
- 选择顾客目标与将公司定位在以顾客群为主导 Choosing Customer Targets and Positioning the
Company for Customer Segment Dominance
第二天 (Day Two):
- ·建立品牌 Building Brands
- 建立品牌:进入WTO经济后的成功秘诀 Building Brands: the secret to Success in the Post-WTO
- 挑战者的品牌:与强势品牌竞争 Challenger Branding: Competing with the Power-Brands
- 品牌组合管理 Managing Brand Portfolios
- ·以价值为基础的定价 Value-Based Pricing
- 解决价格战的良方:如何从你为顾客创造的价值中得到回报 Antidotes to the Price Wars: How to Get
a Return on the Value you Create for Customers
- 互联网的定价:技术如何改变定价策略 Pricing on the Internet: How Technology Changes
Pricing Strategy
第三天 (Day Three):
- ·分销策略 Distribution Strategy
- 运用顾客调研创造渠道中的价值 Using Customer Research to Create Value in the Channels
- ·营销传播策略 Communications Strategy
- 运用营销传播组合建立价格价值 Using the communications Mix to Build Brand Value
- ·销售队伍的管理 Managing the Sales Force
- 运用成功的策略实现销售队伍带来的赢利 Proven Strategies for Achieving Sales Force Buy-In
- ·新经济的挑战 Challenges of the New Economy
- 新经济是如何在改变营销实践,您如何从中受益 How it is Changing the Practice of Marketing, and How
You Can Profit from it